This week I encountered the enemy C of Breaking the Chain: Cravings. Considering I have the will power of Rosie O’Donnell, whenever cravings arise, it means trouble.
I consider myself to be pretty stubborn and strong-willed. Anyone who has ever had to live with me would tell you the same thing. That’s why it doesn’t make any sense that my hard-headedness turns mushy between 5-10 p.m. while watching TV. Whatever the commercial that comes on, I want what they are selling. Pizza from Dominos? Order it up! No matter that I don’t even like Domino’s. Seeing it on TV during those 5 magical hours makes me wish I had them on speed dial.
I still don’t quite understand how prostitution and marijuana are illegal but dinner-time commercials for Kentucky Fried Chicken still make the cut. I’m pretty sure that eating a bucket of saturated fat is far more dentrimental than a little sex or pot. Not to mention the ruined marriages due to your spouse eating the last drumstick, or, God forbid, the final biscuit.
I’ve had strong food cravings for as long as I can remember, and I can’t wait to see the havoc they wreak when I’m pregnant. In fact, I already have a list started of all the food we need to have on hand in the house when I’m expecting, so as to save my husband many a midnight trips to the grocery store. I’m so thoughtful. It’s a good thing we negotiated that second fridge and freezer into the price of our house.
This week the major craving culprit was Dairy Queen. Of the Big 3 ice cream sellers in my neck of the woods – Dairy Queen, 31 Flavors and Cold Stone – Dairy Queen would be a distant third. I’m talking a Kevin Jonas of the Jonas Brothers distant third. Yet a few days ago I got it into my mind that I absolutely had to have a Mint Oreo Blizzard then and there.
When I get a craving, my body has a hard time letting it go. If I don’t get it that first night when the craving begins, which I didn’t, it just won’t leave. I wanted that damn Blizzard all week long. And while will power may be able to win battles, it’s extremely difficult to win wars.
My husband generously offered to pick me up any premium ice cream I wanted from the grocery store, but it wasn’t ice cream I was after; it was the Mint Oreo Blizzard. Once the seal was broken on bad-for-me cravings, the floodgates opened. A character on a favorite TV show mentioned cookies; I immediately had to have a Doubletree chocolate chip cookie. A team on a competitive cooking show made truffles; I wanted a boxful from Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory.
But I didn’t have the truffles, the cookie, or, sadly, the Blizzard. And mentioning those three things probably wasn’t a good idea, as it’s coming up on dinner-time and all sound fantastic right about now. To satiate my sweet tooth I’ve been drinking lots of chocolate milk and eating dark chocolate in small bouts. According to my doctor this is much healthier than making a run to the Dairy Queen, as I’m getting more calcium and antioxidants. Screw that, I still want the Blizzard.